Is marriage really worth it?

Almost every girl has an image of her wedding day. She plays the role from the age of two or three. Even up to now I still have that image in my head. The image of me preparing a sumptuous home cooked meal for my husband after a tiring day’s work (cooking, though, is a skill I am yet to acquire), has always been engraved in my head.

There is also the other image of children and a husband (which I am yet to find)… all one happy family.

Alas, it is nothing more than an "image." It is something that may never be a reality.

When I look at marriages and relationships today it scares me more than you’ll ever know. Anyone who has high hopes for the future and anyone who wants to get married should take a look at relationships today. It is enough to immediately discourage you.

So many marriages are crashing every day, so many relationships have gone sour and the numbers keep increasing.

Infidelity, of course, is the number one reason why relationships go sour. The second reason, I believe, is the "stupidity of youth."

So many young people are getting married because they claim to be "in love." They never stop to think about if they are ready for such a commitment. But such thoughts do not stop them going in head first.

Marriages today are no longer regarded as sacred. It is no longer a special bond between two individuals and those two individuals alone!

I was taught that marriage is supposed to be that special bond, where two people compromise, understand each other, respect each other, pray together and love each other. It is not where two people bicker and fight all the time.

I believe to have a successful marriage you must not only love each other, but you must be mature enough to handle everything that comes with such a huge commitment.

I know some women may be tempted to abandon their husbands because of their financial situation and totally disregard the commitment to stay together in good times and in bad.

No one should forsake his/her marriage because of money. True, you need money to survive and to raise a family, but wouldn’t your bond your bond strengthen if you work together to achieve your ideal financial situation?

Remember the vow "for richer or poorer?" Does that hold any meaning these days?

Nothing worthwhile in life comes easy. It seems to me that if we want marriage to be a success we have to struggle to make it work. We have to put our mind to it and we have to remember that vows meant the world on the wedding day and they should still mean the world today.

As a young person who seriously has no hope when it comes to relationships because of the examples around me, I hope that married couples would struggle to keep their marriage together. They should not be afraid or ashamed to show they care.

I understand that there may be times when it just cannot work, particularly if your partner is abusive. No one should put up with that nonsense. However, if that is not the case and there is still love, shouldn’t you learn to compromise and find some way to make it work? Give people like myself a little hope!


"Is marriage really worth it?"

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