Football ticket sales under scrutiny

A SYSTEM to ensure accountability and transparency of ticket sales ahead of the November 12 football encounter against Bahrain at the Hasely Crawford Stadium, Mucurapo has been introduced. Making the move is regional (CONCACAF) president and Special Advisor to the Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation Jack Warner. He said yesterday steps have been taken for the strict accountability of the most sought after tickets from printing to its allocation to individuals and companies for sale and distribution. In a media release, Warner stated that draft documents will be prepared with references to sign-off notes as well as agreements to be made on the terms of sales of the tickets to the public.

The release stated further that attorney Om Lalla has already gone ahead to frame the legal documents which will be presented to sponsors KFC and Republic Bank for their signature by tomorrow. Ticket sales to the public will be announced through advertisements, notices and news releases in the media, the media release stated. According to the release, the proposed system will also ensure that individual KFC outlets and Republic Bank branches sign-off on both the receipt of tickets to be sold as well as the proceeds of the sale thereafter. The printers of the tickets are also being required to submit a sign-off statement of delivery for the exact amount of tickets for the different categories. Printing and stamping of the tickets were completed yesterday under strict security with the person receiving the tickets yesterday being asked to sign on collecting them.

After being stamped, the tickets are expected to be returned by Tuesday at noon and will again be signed when they are received. Warner is also going as far as appointing two members from the Local Organising Committee (LOC) and the Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation (TTFF) to keep a watchful eye during the sale of the tickets. In 1989, Warner and the Football Federa-tion came under severe criticism for the overselling of tickets for the crucial World Cup qualifying encounter between the “Strike Squad” and the United States at the Hasely Crawford Stadium, Mucurapo. A subsequent Commission of Inquiry set up by Government failed to produce any evidence of wrong-doing.


"Football ticket sales under scrutiny"

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