Seven vie for police welfare leadership

Yesterday, Team Camp, led by Sgt Glen Teesdale who is in charge of the Mon Repos Police Station, and supported by outgoing President of the Police Social and Welfare Association Cpl Emrol Bruce, launched their campaign at the old police headquarters.

Cpl Bruce and Team Camp were the winners in the 2007 election. Yesterday, Cpl Bruce said that he had always insisted he will serve for only one term and believes in continuity.

He is of the view that Sgt Teesdale is the most suitable person to carry the responsibilities of President for the Police Second Division.

He added that the vision of Team Camp is to continue to properly represent all officers, not only in negotiations and tribunals, but to serve officers in other capacities.

He noted the success of the Association with the recent business ventures which the Association went into.

Team Camp will be out in the field at various police divisions from now until the end of the month, trying to woo police officers to vote for their team.

Last week, Team Deep (Dedicated, Efficient and Effective Performance), led by Acting Inspector John Frederick launched his campaign to become the Police Association’s next President.


"Seven vie for police welfare leadership"

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