Guns for law-abiding citizens

In doing so, Ramkhelawan differed from Opposition Chief Whip Pennelope Beckles who earlier called upon the Government to disassociate itself from Tobago Development Minister Vernella Toppin-Alleyne’s call for all citizens to bear arms.

Ramkhelawan said while criminals have easy access to illegal firearms, law-abiding citizens encounter “maximum administrative delay (MAD)” in their efforts to obtain firearms user licences from the Firearms Appeals Board.

He claimed there are a total of 5,000 firearms user applications currently before the board.

Lamenting that citizens can no longer take their families “on a moonlit drive to Maracas” because they are afraid of being attacked by armed criminals, Ramkhelawan asked:

“Is it right that this passing legislation that allows for persons to have access ,if they meet all of the requirements to have access to firearms but are being deterred by Firearms Appeals Board?”


"Guns for law-abiding citizens"

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