Think about it

I think Prime Minister Manning should stop with these weekly post Cabinet press briefings — only good can come of it. It would be an end to all the confusion he causes in the country every time he speaks to reporters, whose very presence seems to make him talk foolishness.  Sometimes he is cute, sometimes corny, usually silly and certainly always puts his foot in his mouth.

You don’t believe me? Well take a look at what happened a few weeks ago. There we were merrily going our way saving our little money and investing in the Unit Trust when along comes Mr Manning to give us a jolly old scare. He told the gathering of reporters that some mysterious person had proposed a merger of the Unit Trust and the FCB! Now who or what on god’s earth could have made the man make such a thing public before it had even been discussed fully with the individual parties? Even if one Monday morning somebody thinks we should merge Petrotrin with Colonial Life or Convent with QRC, does the Prime Minister announce it even before either the board at Clico or Petrotrin or the girls and boys at Convent and QRC know about it? What gets into this man, for heaven’s sake!

Before you could say “psuedo citizen,” confusion reigned with all sorts of stories making the rounds and people agonising to decide whether to take their money out of the Unit Trust and hide it under the bed, far away from both Mr Manning and Ken Gordon who w heard was the one with the bright idea. Of course the scrapping of the post Cabinet press briefings would be only the start. We would then move from Whitehall to the Cabildo Chambers of the Attorney General where we should politely ask her to put a sock in it and stop talking to us as if we are idiots. We are not. We have some degree of common sense and she should leave us to be. Of course we aren’t finished yet. There is still Mr Panday with his civil disobedience and sneering look. What is his problem? Some would say he can’t get over losing power, fancy home, motor car, outriders and such foolishness. But I don’t think so. Mr Panday is made of sterner stuff so it must be something else where he is concerned. Could it be Caroni? Hardly, since he said not a word when Rahael was packing the workers home. What then? Taking the salute at the Independence Parade? Nah! Oh, I know, it’s turning up at the civil disobedience in Chaguanas and seeing two of his MPs arrested and charged. Poor guy, they are younger and he must be mad as hell that it is now their turn to get arrested, and get their photos in the newspapers and on the TV even though he is better at it than many and is always shouting how he is prepared to die a martyr, and for this cause or the other. Now it looks like no one wants him for a martyr.

With so much crime in the country we are a people in need of help. We want to live freely and not have to lock ourselves up day and night afraid to peep outside lest some bandit kidnaps or kills us. We want the Government —and the Opposition to stop playing the fool and deal with the situation in the country. We want to live in peace. So move over Mr Panday and Mr Manning you are boring the daylights out of us. Lighten up, get a life!


"Think about it"

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