PM drops ‘Indian’ from Arrival Day
Prime Minister Patrick Manning yesterday wished the nation a happy “Arrival Day,” declining to refer to the occasion by the title of “Indian Arrival Day.” The statement faxed from the Ministry of Public Administration and Information was titled as a message to mark “Indian Arrival Day” and Manning referred to East Indian immigrants, but otherwise he never used the title “Indian Arrival Day.” Hailing the 159th anniversary of the arrival of East Indian Indentured Labourers, he said it was an occasion the entire nation should celebrate.
He said the arrival of our East Indian forbearers marked the entry into the nation’s economic and social life of a people who have made one of the most enduring contributions to the prosperous, stable democracy of Trinidad and Tobago today. “It is a story of heroism, when ordinary men and women with little or nothing in an alien and hostile environment, struggled with courage, perseverance and determination to shape their lives and contribute to the foundation of the civilisation that we are building in this country.” Manning then referred to “others” who had come to this country. “On this occasion we must also remember the arrival of all others who came, either forcibly or willingly, and who made equally pivotal and inspiring contributions to the development of the society.”
He then spoke of a “common struggle” of our people to find fulfilment in the face of the oppression of colonial times. “Our common struggle has created an enduring bond among the people of diverse origins in this rainbow nation.” This struggle, he added, had made plurality one of the great strengths of modern Trinidad and Tobago. “We are truly a shining example to the world, which has experienced horrendous conflicts arising from ethnic differences. We must cherish our achievement and do everything possible to strengthen the bonds of harmony, understanding, appreciation and love which has made Trinidad and Tobago a living example of the brotherhood of Man and the fatherhood of God.” He was optimistic about us soon becoming a developed nation. “On this occasion, on behalf of the Government I bring greetings to the entire national community as we salute our citizens of East Indian origin, past and present. May we all enjoy a most meaningful Arrival Day.”
"PM drops ‘Indian’ from Arrival Day"