State witness gunned down
STATE witness Michael Ali was gunned down on Monday night at Pioneer Drive in Petit Valley, four hours before he celebrated his 60th birthday. Ali, alias “Red Mike,” was shot dead by an unknown assailant six metres from his gateway as he made his way home. The last words his family heard from him were screams: “Oh God, Marlene they killing me,” which he made to his wife. According to reports, the father of eight and grandfather of four was returning from a nearby shop at around 8.15 pm, when two loud explosions were heard, followed by his screams. His relatives rushed outside and found Ali, a hustler/vendor by trade, with two bullet wounds in his chest.
Eyewitnesses said they saw one gunman shoot Ali, before walking away. When Newsday visited the family’s Factory Road home at Pioneer Drive in Petit Valley, another son said he believed the bullet was meant for him since he had seen a gang member from St Ann’s shoot a woman in her neck. “I believe is either because he (name called) did not see me, so he shot my father or persons against my father giving evidence in a murder case involving my other brother two years ago.” Police sources told Newsday they believe the killing was connected with the murder case in which Ali was scheduled to give evidence soon. Ali was the State’s main witness.
West End police are investigating. In an unrelated matter, Ludrick Clarke, 23, alias “Oui,” who was shot in his left arm, leg and stomach earlier in the day while sitting on a wall near Sparrow Hideaway on Eagle Drive in Petit Valley, succumbed to his injuries 30 minutes after Ali. When Newsday visited the upper Simeon Road, Petit Valley home of Clarke close friends told Newsday “Clarke was shot by a gang member who had a beef with his brother. “The man came looking for his brother and when he did not get him, he shot ‘Oui’” ASP Cumberbatch is continuing enquiries.
"State witness gunned down"