Court on hold as fleas take over cell block
A flea infestation at the Port-of-Spain Magistrates’ Court yesterday had court personnel scampering after the insects took over the St Vincent Street building over the weekend. As a result of the infestation, all matters at the court were quickly adjourned yesterday in the absence of the prisoners. Newsday understands that the cells on the ground floor of the courthouse were overrun with fleas. The infestation was so severe that it was difficult for any type of activity to take place in the vicinity of the cell, and it was decided that prisoners would not be brought to court as there was no place else to hold them.
As a result, the security vans bringing prisoners to court, after circling the area several times, were unable to offload the inmates, and took them back to the Port-of-Spain State Prison. Scores of people lined both sides of St Vincent Street, causing major traffic congestion at the front of the building. Members of the public, court staff members and police officers stood outside, lining the street, awaiting word on whether matters would be heard. As ten o’clock approached, the court’s note takers, who were also stranded outside the courthouse, were summoned to take up duties, as a decision had been taken to call the matters and then adjourn them.
Shortly after the matters were adjourned, the building was evacuated. Afterwards, pest control personnel arrived and sprayed the entire building. It is understood that the flea infestation came about as a result of stray dogs actually living on the court compound. The spraying process entails two visits to spray the compound, including yesterday’s exercise. The other exercise would be performed sometime over the next ten days. It is expected that matters would be called as usual today.
"Court on hold as fleas take over cell block"