Parliament tackles pollution today

PREVENTION of maritime pollution and environmental conservation is the main item of the agenda at today’s sitting of the House of Representatives beginning at 1.30 pm. Works and Transport Minister Franklyn Khan will pilot the Shipping (Marine Pollution) Act 2004 which will “provide for powers and jurisdiction in relation to pollution of the seas from ships, intervention on the high seas in cases of oil pollution, dumping of waste at sea, prevention of pollution from ships, preparedness and response for oil pollution emergencies, liability and compensation for pollution damage and matters incidental thereto.”

Passage of this bill will help Trinidad and Tobago keep its obligations to a series of international maritime conventions such as the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982, and the International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Cooperation 1990. The Lower House will also debate the Family Proceedings Amendment Bill 2004, which will be piloted by Attorney General John Jeremie.


"Parliament tackles pollution today"

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