Jury visits scene of killer crash

THE triple motor-manslaughter trial being heard in the San Fernando Criminal Assizes was yesterday convened at St James Street in San Fernando — the scene where three persons lost their lives five years ago. The “locus Inco” (scene of the crime) was held on directions from trial Judge Paula Mae Weekes in order for the court to ascertain the exact spot where the accused Mathura Lakhan, 59, said his Bedford truck came into contact with the first of three vehicles along the steep St James Street.

The accident occurred on May 14, 1999 and two cars and a maxi-taxi were involved along with Lakhan’s truck. The busy maxi-taxi stand on St James Street was cleared of traffic and the street blocked off by police around mid-morning to facilitate the jury’s visit at the scene, under heavy police guard. Madame Justice Mae Weekes first convened court on upper St James Street, opposite JTA supermarket. The accused swore on the Holy Gita to tell the truth and then pointed out the spot to the judge, jury, assistant Director of Public Prosecutions Roger Gaspard and defence attorney Hayden St Clair.

He testified that his truck came into contact with the first vehicle a short distance before the corner of Mon Chagrin Street and St James Street. The officer who charged Lakhan, retired Inspector Azad Hosein, however pointed to the corner of Mon Chagrin and St James Streets as the spot where Lakhan had said he came into contact with the first car. The other witness was maxi-taxi driver Pradeep Dhaneesar, in whose vehicle one of the crash victims were seated. Sgt Martin, who is currently in charge of San Fernando Traffic Branch, also testified yesterday. The trial continues today.


"Jury visits scene of killer crash"

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