Call elections now

PRIME MINISTER Patrick Manning must call general elections in Trinidad and Tobago if he is to obtain the necessary parliamentary majority to pass urgently needed anti-crime legislation. In a statement yesterday, National Alliance for Reconstruction (NAR) Political Leader Lennox Sankersingh slammed both the Government and the Opposition for their continued refusal to set aside partisan differences and cooperate in the war against crime. He claimed the Prime Minister “is stating that the security of the people of TT is dependent” on the passage of the Police Reform Bills in Parliament. Sankersingh also noted the UNC’s longstanding refusal to support the Bills unless there is constitutional reform in TT.

The NAR leader said since both sides appear to be equally intransigent in their respective positions, Manning “therefore has no choice but to go back to the polls to seek the required majority so that his proposed legislation can be made law. “The NAR therefore calls on Prime Minister Manning to seek a fresh mandate from the people to obtain the required majority, which is 24 seats, so that he can enact his anti-crime legislation,” he declared.


"Call elections now"

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