Principal appeals to parents to assist with discipline

MAUREEN Goolcharan, princ-ipal of Exchange Presbyterian School in Couva, appealed to parents to “help us discipline the pupils who attend our school.” Speaking at the school’s recent graduation function at the Balmain Presbyterian Church, she explained that what she was appealing for did not mean corporal punishment but an approach by parents to help their children understand what they must do in terms of behaving properly  as far as the rules of the school were concerned. She said that the school had over the years built up a reputation of being among the best in the country.

In 2003, it achieved 98 percent success with eight students placing in the first hundred in the SEA examination, and because of that and other achievements, in sports and in extra curricular activites, the demand for school places was extremely high. She thanked the teachers for their overall support and dedication towards building a “strong  educational image in the Caroni Education Division.” Schools Supervisor 1 at Caroni Education Division, Rampaul Maharaj,   told the graduates that they must always remember their alma mater. Proceedings at the ceremony were conducted by Rev Emmanuel Ramdeen, Minister in charge of the Knox-Balmain Arunodai Region.


"Principal appeals to parents to assist with discipline"

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