UNC not backing Union Estate
THE OPPOSITION UNC will not support development of the Union Park Industrial Estate in La Brea and claims Government has no intention of locating an aluminium smelter or ethylene complex there. Addressing a public meeting at the Aranjuez Community Centre on Monday, Opposition Senator Carolyn Seepersad-Bachan claimed Government was wasting $200 million to develop the site and causing a major environmental disaster in the process. She said the National Energy Corporation (NEC), which has overall responsibility for developing the estate, is comprised of the same players who were allegedly involved in corruption in the creation of the nearby La Brea Industrial Estate. The UNC Senator claimed Government now plans to build Atlantic LNG Train V at Union Park, and there would be no construction of an aluminium smelter or ethylene complex there.
She also alleged that there was only a 15 to 20 year supply of natural gas and this was insufficient to operate an aluminium smelter which required a 30-year supply of natural gas. “We will not support the Union Estate,” Seepersad-Bachan declared. She also claimed no heavy industry could be sited at Union Estate and the NEC is now quickly trying to stabilise the area. Speaking in the Senate last Tuesday, Public Utilities and Environment Minister, Pennelope Beckles, said Seepersad-Bachan’s fears of an ecological disaster at Union Park were unfounded and strict environmental procedures were being followed regarding the establishment of that site.
"UNC not backing Union Estate"