Street sign battle continues

THE issue of a street with two names in Diamond Village, near San Fernando, cannot be resolved by  either the former Caroni (1975) Ltd, which claims ownership of the road, or the Penal/Debe Regional Corporation, which has made a similar claim. As a result, Member of Parliament for Oropouche, Dr Roodal Moonilal, held a meeting yesterday with the two groups of residents, one pushing for the street to be named “Siebaran Drive” and the other wanting to name it “Moowassie Avenue.” Currently, both signs, complete with signpost, are planted on the street, creating some measure of confusion. Last week the corporation’s workmen, supervised by policemen, erected “Moowassie Avenue.” Caroni’s management reacted with a terse letter instructing the corporation to remove the sign from its property.


"Street sign battle continues"

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