Challenge for C’bean if iraq war starts
VIDA BERNARD, Director of Tourism in the St Vincent Ministry of Tourism and Culture, said yesterday if the imminent war between the US and Iraq takes place, the Caribbean, which is still considered a safe place, will be challenged to play a very important role.
Bernard said the Caribbean was St Vincent and the Grenadines’ third largest market, and they were aiming to keep it this way, or increase it any way they could. Stating that a decision had been taken to expand the programme following its success in 2002 when it was launched only in Trinidad and Tobago, Bernard said it had since been introduced to other Caribbean islands, including Barbados, St Lucia and Grenada. In addition to showcasing the hidden treasures of St Vincent and increasing the revenue earnings of the island, Bernard revealed that Caribbean visitors out of Trinidad increased by 17.4 percent last year. “We have to put our best foot forward,” claimed Bernard, adding that they had to convince the 20 hoteliers coming to Trinidad and Tobago for the launch that it was a lucrative proposition.
"Challenge for C’bean if iraq war starts"